Field Tips

“Rare sighting/perfect timing”

By June 30, 2013 October 14th, 2013 No Comments

ea5a61308fbf4596590e020cc93975b5 Ecclesiastes 3:1-4 “To everything there is a season, a time or every purpose under Heaven: a time to be born, and a time to die; a time to plant, and a time to pluck what is planted; a time to kill, and a time to heal; a time to break down and a time to build up; a time to weep, and a time to laugh; a time to mourn, and a time to dance.”

As I entered Canaan Valley State Park (near Davis, WV), a herd of whitetails caught my attention. While taking pictures of triplet spotted fawns (to send to my grandchildren), another animal watcher told me about a mink that sometimes crossed a nearby stretch of road. I laughed and thought how “random” it would be to see that wary furbearer, let alone be able to photograph him on my phone. Minks don’t like attention! Cruising down that road a little later, what should happen? The mink ran across the road, right in front of my stopped truck! I regretted being too slow with my phone camera, as he dove down into the ditch. But, then, much to my surprise, he ran back across the road and stopped for me to take the picture above! Then, he was gone. I thanked the Lord for the great picture, and experience! His timing was not “random!”

Life Tip: We know in our heads that God’s timing is perfect. The problem we have, is our eyesight! Sometimes things don’t look perfectly timed, in our perspective, do they?! But, as we grow in our relationship to Christ, He begins to show us, as we are willing to see and believe, what is His perfect timing. We look with different “spiritual eyes”, and then we are amazed at what He does, how He does it, and when He does it! David reminds us in Psalm 103:2, “forget not all His benefits.” The Hebrew words literally mean, “Don’t let the good things/gifts (from God) pass by, without noticing them.” His timing is not “random.” God has never had a problem of anyone giving Him too much attention or credit. It’s mostly less attention or credit. Let’s do something about that, and be sure not to miss His timing, blessings, actions in our lives. Thank Him, and tell others what He did, and how His timing was perfect!

Field Tip: Glassing while kneeling or sitting many times reveals a different perspective and view of the woods. Slowly glassing, moving cautiously, taking our time, will many times not only show us the game that we’re hunting, but also keep us from spooking them.